Our Services
Pharmacogenetic Testing

Pharmacogenetic Testing (also known as psychotropic genetic testing or genetic testing for psychotropic medication or genetic testing for drug effectiveness):

Medications perform differently for each individual person. Psychotropic medications, which are used to treat mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder, are metabolized by specific enzymes in the liver.

Everyone's body processes medications differently, and genetic variations can influence how medications are metabolized. Some people may metabolize medications quickly, while others may metabolize them slowly.

Pharmacogenetic testing is a test that we often perform to help us understand how one’s unique body and genes metabolize certain medications.

The goal of genetic testing is to help your provider make more informed decisions about which psychotropic medication may be most effective with fewer side effects for a particular individual. Instead of going through a process of trying multiple medications to find the right one, genetic testing can offer insights upfront, help avoid trial-and-error, while also potentially saving time and reducing frustration.

It is important to note that while genetic testing can provide valuable information, it is just one tool among many in the overall assessment and treatment of mental conditions.

Costs for genetic testing for psychotropics are covered under most of our accepted insurances with little to no copay.

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