Researchers have hypothesized that, depending on the severity of the mental health symptoms, some patients may need more than psychotherapy to reduce symptoms. Biological interventions like medication enhance or modulate plasticity which in turn may not only reduce symptoms but also provide a window of opportunity for behavioral interventions like psychotherapy to be more effective.
It is important to note that medications cannot cure mental health issues or disorders; however, they can restore balance and quality of life to a patient. It is also important to note that medications perform differently for each individual person. For this reason, a treatment and medication plan are developed for each individual.
Treatment results and experiences varies from person to person. Some people get immediate effective results from medications and only need them for a short time. For example, a person with depression may feel much better after taking medication for a few months and may never need it again. Other patients may need to take medication for a much longer period.
It is not uncommon during a patient’s treatment plan to try several medications over time to achieve optimum results.
- Type of mental disorder, such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia
- Age, sex, and body size
- Physical illnesses
- Habits like smoking and drinking
- Liver and kidney functioning
- Genetics
- Other medications and herbal/vitamin supplement
- Diet
- Whether medications are taken as prescribed